Design + Technology
Since 2000 he has been working as interaction designer in the development of state of the art interaction concepts, user interface design and human machine interfaces.
Dovetailing of crafts
Cooperation of trades in brand communication, architecture and media for fair stands are one of the key experiences he gained over the years.
Communication & Concepts
Timo Daum develops cutting edge presentations, interaction encounters and media shows for fairs and exhibitions. He designs interfaces between hard- and software to create applications that truly reflect the underlying communication concepts.
Agencies (selection)
Aperto AG | Complot Diseno Gráfico (Madrid) | ID-Media AG | Klug New Media AG | Office for Spatial Identity (Zurich) | q-Bus Mediatektur (Berlin) | raumHOCH (Berlin)
Clients (selection)
Bit-side GmbH | Bundesdruckerei | Cargolifter | Deutsche Telekom | DHL | Digital Collections | Georg Neumann GmbH | RWE | Toll Collect